+420 774 292 308
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WELCOME to Vrtací technika Svoboda

We are consultants and distributors of rock drilling tools specialized in Down The Hole drilling - rotary+percussion.

Our main goal is to offer EQUIPMENT that meets our customers´ requirements and bring them ECONOMICAL PROFIT in the end. That is why we offer various brands -  there is no company in the world that is able to make each of their model perfect. That is why we continuously test new models and recommend the best ones.

Apart from the conventional air powered hammers we offer a unique patented technology from Sweden called Wassara. This complete system for effective drilling in soil and rock uses pressurized water to power its hammer. Furthermore, our company offers EGT drill rigs and a wide range of accessories for both hammer technologies such as drill bits and rods, threaded couplers, overburden casing systems, shock absorbers, lubricators, foam/water pumps and more.

Who are our customers:

- established well, geothermal and foundation drilling companies

- beginers from the above mentioned fields

- engineering companies

We offer drilling tools to a large scope of customers in respect to their focus and/or financial capacity - tools by premium brands (Sandvik AB, Wassara AB, Mincon, CGR, Colli Drill, DATC, Lubro Star, CME etc.) as well as less prestigious products, attractive for their balanced price to quality ratio.

Professionality gained by a long-term experience in the actual drilling field aids us substantially in achieving our objectives.




11 Mar

Do foto a videogalerie byly přidány snímky a videa z vrtání pažicím systémem TRB 165.

  • CGR
  • Mincon
  • Wassara
  • CME
  • Colli Drill
  • Sandvik
  • Lubrostar
  • DATC
Corporate Data Vrtací technika Svoboda s.r.o.
Karlinská 174
46010 Liberec

Comp. Id. No.: 28717082
V.A.T.: CZ28717082
Contact +420 774 292 308